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преди 5 години
  1. audioread==2.1.6
  2. certifi==2019.3.9
  3. chardet==3.0.4
  4. Click==7.0
  5. cryptography==1.7.1
  6. Flask==1.0.2
  7. idna==2.8
  8. itsdangerous==1.1.0
  9. Jinja2==2.10
  10. keyring==10.1
  11. keyrings.alt==1.3
  12. langid==1.1.6
  13. MarkupSafe==1.1.0
  14. numpy==1.16.2
  15. pyasn1==0.1.9
  16. pycrypto==2.6.1
  17. PyDMXControl==1.5.0
  18. pygobject==3.22.0
  19. python-apt==1.1.0b5
  20. python-lirc==1.2.1
  21. python-mpd2==1.0.0
  22. pyusb==1.0.2
  23. pyxdg==0.25
  24. PyYAML==3.12
  25. requests==2.21.0
  26. RPi.GPIO==0.6.5
  27. SecretStorage==2.3.1
  28. six==1.12.0
  29. ssh-import-id==5.6
  30. talkey==0.1.1
  31. udmx-pyusb==2.0.0
  32. urllib3==1.24.1
  33. virtualenv==15.1.0
  34. Werkzeug==0.14.1
  35. wiringpi==2.46.0
  36. youtube-dl==2019.3.18