- # Copyright 2015 Adafruit Industries.
- # Author: Tony DiCola
- # License: GNU GPLv2, see LICENSE.txt
- import ConfigParser
- import importlib
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import signal
- import time
- import pygame
- from model import Playlist
- # Basic video looper architecure:
- #
- # - VideoLooper class contains all the main logic for running the looper program.
- #
- # - Almost all state is configured in a .ini config file which is required for
- # loading and using the VideoLooper class.
- #
- # - VideoLooper has loose coupling with file reader and video player classes that
- # are used to find movie files and play videos respectively. The configuration
- # defines which file reader and video player module will be loaded.
- #
- # - A file reader module needs to define at top level create_file_reader function
- # that takes as a parameter a ConfigParser config object. The function should
- # return an instance of a file reader class. See usb_drive.py and directory.py
- # for the two provided file readers and their public interface.
- #
- # - Similarly a video player modules needs to define a top level create_player
- # function that takes in configuration. See omxplayer.py and hello_video.py
- # for the two provided video players and their public interface.
- #
- # - Future file readers and video players can be provided and referenced in the
- # config to extend the video player use to read from different file sources
- # or use different video players.
- class VideoLooper(object):
- def __init__(self, config_path):
- """Create an instance of the main video looper application class. Must
- pass path to a valid video looper ini configuration file.
- """
- # Load the configuration.
- self._config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
- if len(self._config.read(config_path)) == 0:
- raise RuntimeError('Failed to find configuration file at {0}, is the application properly installed?'.format(config_path))
- self._console_output = self._config.getboolean('video_looper', 'console_output')
- # Load configured video player and file reader modules.
- self._player = self._load_player()
- self._reader = self._load_file_reader()
- # Load other configuration values.
- self._osd = self._config.getboolean('video_looper', 'osd')
- self._is_random = self._config.getboolean('video_looper', 'is_random')
- # Parse string of 3 comma separated values like "255, 255, 255" into
- # list of ints for colors.
- self._bgcolor = map(int, self._config.get('video_looper', 'bgcolor') \
- .translate(None, ',') \
- .split())
- self._fgcolor = map(int, self._config.get('video_looper', 'fgcolor') \
- .translate(None, ',') \
- .split())
- # Load sound volume file name value
- self._sound_vol_file = self._config.get('omxplayer', 'sound_vol_file');
- # default value to 0 millibels (omxplayer)
- self._sound_vol = 0
- # Initialize pygame and display a blank screen.
- pygame.display.init()
- pygame.font.init()
- pygame.mouse.set_visible(False)
- size = self._size = (pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h)
- self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
- self._bgimage = self._load_bgimage()
- self._blank_screen()
- # Set other static internal state.
- self._extensions = self._player.supported_extensions()
- self._small_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 50)
- self._big_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 250)
- self._running = True
- def _print(self, message):
- """Print message to standard output if console output is enabled."""
- if self._console_output:
- print(message)
- def _load_player(self):
- """Load the configured video player and return an instance of it."""
- module = self._config.get('video_looper', 'video_player')
- return importlib.import_module('.' + module, 'Adafruit_Video_Looper') \
- .create_player(self._config)
- def _load_file_reader(self):
- """Load the configured file reader and return an instance of it."""
- module = self._config.get('video_looper', 'file_reader')
- return importlib.import_module('.' + module, 'Adafruit_Video_Looper') \
- .create_file_reader(self._config)
- def _load_bgimage(self):
- """Load the configured background image and return an instance of it."""
- image = None
- if self._config.has_option('video_looper', 'bgimage'):
- image = self._config.get('video_looper', 'bgimage')
- print 'Use ' + str(image) + ' as a background'
- image = pygame.image.load(image)
- image = pygame.transform.scale(image, self._size)
- return image
- def _is_number(iself, s):
- try:
- float(s)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
- def _build_playlist(self):
- """Search all the file reader paths for movie files with the provided
- extensions.
- """
- # Get list of paths to search from the file reader.
- paths = self._reader.search_paths()
- # Enumerate all movie files inside those paths.
- movies = []
- for ex in self._extensions:
- for path in paths:
- # Skip paths that don't exist or are files.
- if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isdir(path):
- continue
- # Ignore hidden files (useful when file loaded on usb
- # key from an OSX computer
- movies.extend(['{0}/{1}'.format(path.rstrip('/'), x) \
- for x in os.listdir(path) \
- if re.search('\.{0}$'.format(ex), x,
- flags=re.IGNORECASE) and \
- x[0] is not '.'])
- # Get the video volume from the file in the usb key
- sound_vol_file_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(path.rstrip('/'), self._sound_vol_file)
- if os.path.exists(sound_vol_file_path):
- with open(sound_vol_file_path, 'r') as sound_file:
- sound_vol_string = sound_file.readline()
- if self._is_number(sound_vol_string):
- self._sound_vol = int(float(sound_vol_string))
- # Create a playlist with the sorted list of movies.
- return Playlist(sorted(movies), self._is_random)
- def _blank_screen(self):
- """Render a blank screen filled with the background color."""
- self._screen.fill(self._bgcolor)
- if self._bgimage is not None:
- rect = self._bgimage.get_rect()
- self._screen.blit(self._bgimage, rect)
- pygame.display.update()
- def _render_text(self, message, font=None):
- """Draw the provided message and return as pygame surface of it rendered
- with the configured foreground and background color.
- """
- # Default to small font if not provided.
- if font is None:
- font = self._small_font
- return font.render(message, True, self._fgcolor, self._bgcolor)
- def _animate_countdown(self, playlist, seconds=10):
- """Print text with the number of loaded movies and a quick countdown
- message if the on screen display is enabled.
- """
- # Print message to console with number of movies in playlist.
- message = 'Found {0} movie{1}.'.format(playlist.length(),
- 's' if playlist.length() >= 2 else '')
- self._print(message)
- # Do nothing else if the OSD is turned off.
- if not self._osd:
- return
- # Draw message with number of movies loaded and animate countdown.
- # First render text that doesn't change and get static dimensions.
- label1 = self._render_text(message + ' Starting playback in:')
- l1w, l1h = label1.get_size()
- sw, sh = self._screen.get_size()
- for i in range(seconds, 0, -1):
- # Each iteration of the countdown rendering changing text.
- label2 = self._render_text(str(i), self._big_font)
- l2w, l2h = label2.get_size()
- # Clear screen and draw text with line1 above line2 and all
- # centered horizontally and vertically.
- self._screen.fill(self._bgcolor)
- self._screen.blit(label1, (sw/2-l1w/2, sh/2-l2h/2-l1h))
- self._screen.blit(label2, (sw/2-l2w/2, sh/2-l2h/2))
- pygame.display.update()
- # Pause for a second between each frame.
- time.sleep(1)
- def _idle_message(self):
- """Print idle message from file reader."""
- # Print message to console.
- message = self._reader.idle_message()
- self._print(message)
- # Do nothing else if the OSD is turned off.
- if not self._osd:
- return
- # Display idle message in center of screen.
- label = self._render_text(message)
- lw, lh = label.get_size()
- sw, sh = self._screen.get_size()
- self._screen.fill(self._bgcolor)
- self._screen.blit(label, (sw/2-lw/2, sh/2-lh/2))
- pygame.display.update()
- def _prepare_to_run_playlist(self, playlist):
- """Display messages when a new playlist is loaded."""
- # If there are movies to play show a countdown first (if OSD enabled),
- # or if no movies are available show the idle message.
- if playlist.length() > 0:
- self._animate_countdown(playlist)
- self._blank_screen()
- else:
- self._idle_message()
- def run(self):
- """Main program loop. Will never return!"""
- # Get playlist of movies to play from file reader.
- playlist = self._build_playlist()
- self._prepare_to_run_playlist(playlist)
- # Main loop to play videos in the playlist and listen for file changes.
- while self._running:
- # Load and play a new movie if nothing is playing.
- if not self._player.is_playing():
- movie = playlist.get_next()
- if movie is not None:
- # Start playing the first available movie.
- self._print('Playing movie: {0}'.format(movie))
- self._player.play(movie, loop=playlist.length() == 1, vol = self._sound_vol)
- # Check for changes in the file search path (like USB drives added)
- # and rebuild the playlist.
- if self._reader.is_changed():
- self._player.stop(3) # Up to 3 second delay waiting for old
- # player to stop.
- # Rebuild playlist and show countdown again (if OSD enabled).
- playlist = self._build_playlist()
- self._prepare_to_run_playlist(playlist)
- # Give the CPU some time to do other tasks.
- time.sleep(0.002)
- def signal_quit(self, signal, frame):
- """Shut down the program, meant to by called by signal handler."""
- self._running = False
- if self._player is not None:
- self._player.stop()
- pygame.quit()
- # Main entry point.
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('Starting Adafruit Video Looper.')
- # Default config path to /boot.
- config_path = '/boot/video_looper.ini'
- # Override config path if provided as parameter.
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- config_path = sys.argv[1]
- # Create video looper.
- videolooper = VideoLooper(config_path)
- # Configure signal handlers to quit on TERM or INT signal.
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, videolooper.signal_quit)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, videolooper.signal_quit)
- # Run the main loop.
- videolooper.run()